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The Ultimate Love Attraction Bundle, Reiki Session, Love and Attraction Work, Manifest a Soulmate, Love and Be Loved By Others Around You

The Ultimate Love Attraction Bundle, Reiki Session, Love and Attraction Work, Manifest a Soulmate, Love and Be Loved By Others Around You

Regular price $355.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $355.55 USD
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Week 1:
Uncrossing with Blockbuster Spell
Out with old, in with the new, is what uncrossing spells do. I feel like uncrossing spells empower an individual to not only leave what doesn’t serve them, but also open and release any negativity that is holding them back. A blockbuster will be customized to what I feel like is effecting you as an individual from finding the love you deeply desire and deserve.

Week 2:
Heart Chakra Release and Healing Spell
You are so worthy of love and everything good to come to you. As a practitioner of spell work and reiki, I find that individuals who have a lot of trouble finding love are the ones who have a blocked heart chakra, and need healing in that area. With this release work and spell work, I will be not only doing her chakra spell work but I will also reach out and schedule a heart chakra reiki session where we open that area up and help release and relieve any negativity blocking you from receiving and attracting love that you are absolutely so worthy of. Your spell work will also be conducted the same night of the reiki session.

Week 3:
Love Spell with Love Blockbuster
Many people just want find true love, and I can help direct those energies for you. I use descriptions on what you would like to manifest in a future partner to help you attract someone long term and similar to what you desire. In addition, I will be also doing a love blockbuster to remove any blockages that is hindering your ability to attract a lover.
*This spell work is NOT for a specific person. It is a general love spell, and won’t guarantee to attract a significant person that is currently in your life. The appropriate spell for that would be the “Come to Me” spell in my shop.*

Week 4:
Sweet Attraction and Chuparosa Spell
For the final week we work on how others around you view you, and enhance sweetness, charm, and make you be desirable to other individuals. It allows sweetening and good things to follow you. A chuparosa spell will also be conducted allowing your aura to glow and attract love and enrich your love life as well.
(Authentic, hard to obtain and currently in it’s very short season, Chuparosa flowers will be added to the ritual)

*This is a discounted bundle, meaning no other discounts can be given for this work.**

When ordering I will need this information sent a
-Your Full Name
-Date of Birth
-Recent Picture
-Your Intentions
-Type of Individual You’d Like to Manifest

✨All conjure work is unpredictable. It’s the manipulation of energies. It also involves spirit, and we have zero control over those that are in that realm. The only guarantee I can give is the amount of energy, time, resources, and effort I put into your spell work. Those of you that need instant gratification or even guarantee will ultimately disappointed since by demanding and wanting quick results, you create limitations with your own mind by accepting nothing less. The longer you fixate on seeing results, the longer spirit is going to make you wait to see anything. Things change, energies change, level of commitment changes. Please remember that with simple actions, you can destroy all the work that was just put into place. Please be patient. You should not look back and dwell on the work. To question whether or not it is working is essentially questioning spirit. Obsessing over results, consistently getting your cards read about the situation, and not letting things flow will not help your work to manifest the way it needs to.✨

Blessed be!

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