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The Ultimate Money Spell Bundle

The Ultimate Money Spell Bundle

Regular price $325.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $325.55 USD
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This amazing listing works on your personal and financial abundance every week, not only working on removing blockages deeply within your spirit but also enhancing and bringing in flow of prosperity and abundance all around you.
Two rituals are done every single week (and a little extra) that touches base on your personal and financial goals, and attracting your financial desires.

**If you're planning on using Klarna, please let me know so I can fix a different listing so you can take advantage of this amazing opportunity to enhance your financial and personal abundance!**

Week One:
Blockbuster and Uncrossing with Egg Cleanse
These rituals remove everything spiritually (and/or physically) that no longer serves you. Uncrossing is essential for out with the old, in with the new and creating that movement of energy. Blockbuster is to remove and blow through any obstacles currently hindering your ability to be successful in your day to day life. An egg cleanse is also included, removing any stagnant energy and lifting negativity from the aura.

Week Two:
Money Blockbuster and Road Opening Spell with Cauldron Work
Now that the general blockbuster lifted most of the obstacles in your personal and everyday life, we are now getting more into the money aspects are breaking down those energetic barriers. The money blockbuster touches on removing any obstacles that are hindering your ability to bring in income, get a promotion, meet financial goals, and be financially stable. The road opening continues to open roads, bring in new financial opportunities, and open new roads for success. Cauldron work is added to help enhance the potency of your overall work this week.

Week Three:
Good Luck and Prosperity and Abundance Spell
Luck is possibly something that hasn't been on your side too often. I work on bringing back your luck and ability to obtain prosperity and abundance easily and help it fall on your lap. The prosperity and abundance spell helps you obtain consistent flow of money and also makes sure to manifest your financial goals.

Week Four:
Crown of Success and Better Business Spell
This week we touch base on more of your long term and personal goals, pushing that energy to manifest for you. Better Business Spell is to bring in new clientele, keep customers happy, and bringing in an elevation of income. If you don't have a business, we can adjust it to strive in your current career and bring in that overall success energy to you.

When you order please send me the information below at
-Your Full Name and Date of Birth
-Your Personal and Financial Goals
-A Current Picture of Yourself

You will receive a picture for your first week, and after the fourth week a full report will be given to you with all your pictures as well.

This whole bundle is a total of over $600. It is discounted for you for a total of $325.55.

✨Please keep in mind that this is ultimately spiritual work and there is no full guarantee. The only absolute guarantee I have and offer is that i will definitely try my 100% best to direct this energy for you the rest is up to the universe and where spirit wants to bring this energy to. My suggested time to work on something you want to manifest is 2-6 months, or layering spells to help meet your goal. This means that this one spell/magick work may be all you need, or you may need other spell work to help push through to help it manifest. I will always be honest about the work i provide for you, and will be here for you with any questions or concerns you have. ✨

Blessed be!

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